About me
Current software developer with a background in a variety of industries, from banking to construction, restaurants & bars to corporate cannabis security & compliance, for a short list.
This variable background has offered me the opportunity to bring a wide set of skills into the programming field. This includes: retail banking and personal finance, multi-tasking and completing a variety of tasks at one time, and database creation and auditing, among other skills. Currently I plan to use the tools learned in my previous work environments to succeed in the programming world by locating a job in a field of interest where I am able to apply my skills in a way that allows me to help other people utilize the programs that I work with and create. This includes focusing on accessibility for anyone using those tools or programs in order to create a wider variety of people that are able to access the programs I work on.
Preferred locations
- Denver, CO
Previous industries
Currently learning
Munch Madness
Munch Madness
Tools Used
A gamified approach to choosing restaurants. A user can create a tournament-style bracket by selecting up to 16 restaurants (based on location). Once a bracket is created, you go round by round, voting for the winner of each restaurant matchup. The winning restaurant advances to the next round until a final champion is crowned.
Tools Used
Demo Competition Cup 1st place August, 2023 application submission:
Mobile friendly GPS service for users to locate farmer’s markets and SNAP benefit availability using a USDA database resource to locate market locations incorporated into Google maps API functionality to locate public transportation to and from any selected farmer’s market. Created using Ruby on Rails & Ruby on Sinatra.