About me
I am a Back End Engineer that has a passion for sustainability. My decade long background in Specialty Coffee opened my eyes to the many issues that the industry faced. I realized that my growth and reach was limited in managing cafes, so I made the transition to software development. I look forward to combining my industry knowledge and software development to help an organization exceed their goals.
My time as a manager required me to be adaptable to ever changing situations as well as hone my communication skills with both staff and customers. Managing also required admin usage on many company apps (scheduling, ordering, etc). I am excited to use my end-user experience in software development.
Preferred locations
- Boulder, CO
- Denver, CO
- Grand Junction, CO
- New York, NY
- Seattle, WA
Previous industries
Currently learning
Tools Used
Application developed for people that need assistance with managing daily tasks with AI breakdowns of tasks. It's an SOA application that utilizes a backend that algorithmically returns tasks based on the user's mood. It utilizes Google Calendar for creating events and an AWS bucket for storing pictures. We used Google OAuth, OpenAI API, CircleCi, and Heroku for deployment
Fictional Feud Frenzy
Fictional Feud Frenzy
Tools Used
Successfully collaborated with a FE team to connect a React front end to a Rails BE application using GraphQL and agile development methodologies Implemented OpenAI API to create new stories every time a user a plays the game Created scheduled rake task on Heroku to seed and update database from external API
Coupon Codes
Coupon Codes
Tools Used
This Project is called Coupon Codes. It was a continuation of a group project that had us building a fictitious e-commerce platform where merchants and admins can manage inventory and fulfill customer invoices. This continuation added coupon functionality to the merchants. Coupons can be a percent or dollar off amount, and are linked to a specific merchant. A merchant or admin can look at all available coupon codes.
The Main goals of the project were to add functionality to an already existing code base, utilize advanced ActiveRecord techniques, learn advanced routing, and practice consuming APIs.