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Bobby Luly

Back End Engineer
Pronouns he/him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

My name is Bobby Luly and I am a full time student at Turing School of Software and Design with an unparalleled attention to detail.

I've spent the last 12 years working in the trades, and becoming a jack of them all. Through my years I decided to focus my efforts on painting and carpentry, and after 30,000 hours of experience, I became a master of each. As I leave the trades for the tech world, I leave behind me a long line of satisfied clients who have reaped the benefits of my meticulous nature. One of the most valuable qualities I bring with me from that world is my project management skills.

I have an ability to take the broad scope of a project and break it down and delegate for maximum efficiency, while maintaining meticulously high standards. I have noticed this skill transfers well to my coding education at Turing School of Software and Design. My journey to becoming a Back End developer specializing in Ruby on Rails, is one of the most fascinating and rewarding undertakings of my life.

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
  • Centennial, CO
Open to other locations and/or remote work

Previous industries

  • Construction
  • Facilities Services


  • GitHub
  • HTML5
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby

Currently learning

  • AWS
  • GitHub Projects
  • GraphQL
  • Miro


Inner Worlds

Inner Worlds

Project scope time 52 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Jade Stewart Profile picture for Weston Sandfort Profile picture for Kassandra Leyba Profile picture for Sam Walker Profile picture for Lauren Seward Profile picture for Lexye Jordan Profile picture for Daniel Curtin

Tools Used

  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • GraphQL
  • Miro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • Redis
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • Slack
  • Inner Worlds is an application to help a user keep a detailed dream journal, and provide data about their dreams. This was a group project between myself, 4 other back end developers, and 3 front end developers. Our back end, Ruby on Rails application, serves as a GraphQL API for the front and application. It also consumes the Trinword Natural Language Processing API in order to auto generate tags for a user's dream based upon it's description.

  • This project was our first foray into collaborating with a front end development team. We utilized a new technology for all of us in order to communicate between our applications, GraphQL. We also used Redis and Sidekiq as background workers to send out a weekly email to each user, containing their dream statistics for the week.

  • My focus for this project was gaining a firm understanding of GraphQL, which I was able to achieve. I was also focused on the stretch goal of creating a weekly email background worker using Redis and Sidekiq. I was able to accomplish this in development, but had issues putting it into production with our Deployment to the free hosting service Render.

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Inner Worlds
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Inner Worlds Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Inner Worlds Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Inner Worlds Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Inner Worlds

Little Esty Shop

Little Esty Shop

Project scope time 30 hours

Tools Used

  • GitHub
  • Heroku
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • Created a fictitious e-commerce platform for a merchant to manage their inventory, transactions, invoices, and bulk discounts. I collaborated with a team of 3 other back end developers to process CSV files into objects in our database. From there we worked to CRUD that data
  • Utilized TDD to create a Rails application that exemplifies RESTful routing, proper MVC conventions, and perform complex database queries using PostgreSQL and Active Record.
Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Little Esty Shop
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Little Esty Shop Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Little Esty Shop Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Little Esty Shop



Project scope time 60 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Tori  Enyart Profile picture for David Marino Profile picture for Antonio King Hunt Profile picture for Sam Walker

Tools Used

  • Bootstrap
  • Figma
  • Heroku
  • Miro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • Psydiary is a web application to track your psilocybin microdosing protocol with everything from daily mood tracking and microdose experience logs to AI generated journal prompts. This was a group project between myself and 4 other back end developers. We utilized a Service Oriented Architecture consumed 2 external APIs.

  • This project was the first time we had created a SOA application, implemented Google OAuth, New Relic for observability, and Bootstrap for HTML CSS styling.

  • I focused on core CRUD functionality between the front end and back end of our application

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Psydiary
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Psydiary Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Psydiary Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Psydiary Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Psydiary