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Mostafa Sakr

Software Engineer
Pronouns he/him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Engineer turned teacher turned quality lab tech embarking on the road of tech/software development!

I am a perpetual learner who has a passion for exploring new technologies and learning about languages (human and machine/coding)! In my free time, I can usually be found jumping on things (parkour) or sticking to walls (bouldering)! If you like either of those, reach out to me and let's meet up!

I find coding to be fun whether its problem-solving aspect lends itself to creating something from scratch or optimizing a pre-existing code base! Since starting Turing, I've come to remember just how much fun learning is and I hope to work somewhere that promotes that, together with people who think similarly!

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to other locations and/or remote work

Previous industries

  • Food Production
  • Libraries
  • Primary/Secondary Education


  • Continuous Integration
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • GraphQL
  • Heroku
  • HTML5
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • SQL

Currently learning

  • JavaScript
  • Redis


Night Writer

Night Writer

Project scope time 40 hours

Tools Used

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • RSpec
  • Ruby

An individually developed, CLI-run, ruby application that takes in a text file with an English String and converts it into a digital form of Braille.

It also supports taking in a digital form of Braille and converting back to English.

The main learning goals were to reinforce OOP concepts, utilize inheritance where appropriate, and learn how to use Argument Variables/Vectors to I/O using terminal.

Stretch goals I built the application to support: uppercase, number, and most punctuation marks (no support for brackets exists as of yet)

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Night Writer
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Night Writer Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Night Writer Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Night Writer Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Night Writer



Project scope time 100 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Astrid Hecht Profile picture for Dani Bagley Profile picture for Jennifer Yacoubian Profile picture for Ian McIntosh Profile picture for Lucas Colwell Profile picture for Ashley Turner

Tools Used

A city traveling helper/planner that allows you to browse through a list of places for any given city around the world. Developed by a team of 7, using a service-oriented architecture.

The BE is a custom built Rails API service that utilizes a single route using GraphQL while the FE is built using React JS and utilizes the Apollo Client.

The primary learning goal was to get experience collaborating with the opposite side of the stack within an agile workflow methodology.

The stretch tech we chose is the middleware, GraphQL, which I focused on extensively while working on the project and it allowed me to learn a lot about how the FE was built in the process of connecting the FE and BE.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project DiscoverIt
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project DiscoverIt Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project DiscoverIt Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project DiscoverIt