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Erin Kelley

Front End Engineer
Pronouns she/her
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Hi, there! I am excitedly looking for a software development team to join. As a former clinical Audiologist, I have an innate passion for collaboration, helping others, problem solving, accessibility, and improving quality of life through the use of technology. My drive to pursue software development began with wanting to dive deeper into the technologies I was witnessing my patients use on a daily basis to enhance communication and access to sound. I am motivated by my desire to continuously learn and challenge myself. I am eager to be a part of supportive team where shared successes are celebrated!

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
  • Aurora, CO
Open to remote work

Previous industries

  • Hospital & Health Care


  • Chai
  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • Express
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Knex
  • Mocha
  • PostgreSQL
  • React

Currently learning

  • TypeScript




Project scope time 50 hours

Tools Used

  • Cypress
  • Express
  • Heroku
  • React

Introducing PINE! It is your ultimate guide to all 63 National Parks in the United States. You can explore parks by region and filter parks by state. Click on a park to view the current weather, general weather for certain times of the year, operating hours, entrance fees, and links to both directions to the park and the official park site. Do you have a goal to visit all National Parks in your lifetime? You can track how many parks you have already visited using the Park Tracker. The application was created using React and data is fetched from a few different APIs, including the OpenWeather and National Park Service public API and a server built using Express. Happy adventuring!

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Screenshot detail for project PINE
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project PINE Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project PINE Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project PINE Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project PINE

Brain Food

Brain Food

Project scope time 50 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Igor Magalhaes Profile picture for Jack Sweeney

Tools Used

  • CircleCI
  • Cypress
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Vite

Currently in progress A fullstack application designed for users to input a daily mood rating on a sadness to happiness scale from 1-5 and time allotted to cook. This will generate a list of recipes based on cook time and nutritional value to boost or maintain mood levels. The user can favorite recipes and view them on a personal dashboard, where recipes can be deleted, rated on a 4-star scale, and be filtered by name via a search bar. The application was built using Vite, React, TypeScript, and Framer Motion. It consists of a robust E2E testing suite built with Cypress and utilized CI/CD via CircleCI and Netlifly deployment.

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Screenshot detail for project Brain Food
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Brain Food Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Brain Food