About me
I'm a Back End Engineer based in Fort Collins, CO, with a background in analytical and environmental chemistry. Driven by a desire broaden my impact outside of the laboratory, I decided to pursue a career in software development and engineering. Now, I am able to bring a unique blend of analytical thinking and technical expertise to the table. Let's connect!
Preferred locations
- Boulder, CO
- Denver, CO
- Fort Collins, CO
Previous industries
Currently learning
Board Game Buddy
Board Game Buddy
Tools Used
Board Game Buddy is a web application developed by a combined team of dedicated front- and back-end developers with the MVP of allowing users to browse board games by filtered categories and maintain a digital catalog of their board game collection. In future iterations, we hope to incorporate the more advanced filtering options on the front-end and offer suggestions for new board games to try based on a user’s current collection.
As part of the backend team, I helped build two microservice APIs for consumption.
- Built a board games microservice in Ruby on the Rails framework
- Consumed CSV and API data to populate 150k+ board games into our database
- Developed endpoints to allow for advanced filtering of board games with paginated results
- Built a users microservice in Python on the Django framework
- Implemented CRUD functionality to store users and their saved games
- Tech Stack: Ruby, Rails, Python, Django, ActiveRecord, SimpleCov, PostgreSQL, RSpec, Heroku, GitHub Actions, GitHub Projects
Flick Pick
Flick Pick
Tools Used
Flick Pick is a web application designed by a four-person team with the MVP of allowing a group of users to submit votes to collaboratively select a movie to watch based on selected streaming services and genres. The application was built in Ruby using the Rails framework.
- Consumed external API to filter movies based on streaming service availability, genre, rating, and runtime
- Implemented CRUD functionality to store viewing parties, temporary users, and liked movies
- Implemented web socket with Action Cable and JavaScript to live-update the UI with user votes and results
- Tech Stack: Ruby, Rails, JavaScriptAction Cable, Web Socket, ActiveRecord, SimpleCov, PostgreSQL, RSpec, Capybara, Heroku, GitHub Projects, CircleCI, Google OAuth