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Noelle Hemphill

Back End Engineer
Pronouns she/her
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Hi, I’m Noelle!

As a Backend Software Developer coming from a solid background in Account Coordination and Client Support, I bring a unique blend of skills from technical skills like SQL, Rails, and CSS to interpersonal skills like project management, cross-functional communication, and leadership.


In my previous roles, I found that I enjoyed the technical aspects of my client-facing jobs like pulling data for clients via MySQL queries, adjusting client creatives with CSS and HTML, and helping to implement and troubleshoot cookies more and more with each new query, creative, and cookie.

This naturally led me to embrace a career shift into software development. Excited to fuse my client-focused mentality with code, I thrive on creating efficient solutions that enhance the user experience.

Next Chapter:

What’s next for me? I'm glad you asked! My next chapter is focused on moving into the software development scene, expanding my skill set, and contributing to something great.

🌟 Let's connect! Whether you have opportunities to share or want to chat about my experiences, I'm always eager to learn and grow! 🧠

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
  • Fort Collins, CO
Open to other locations and/or remote work

Previous industries

  • Consumer Services
  • Retail


  • ActiveRecord
  • Canva
  • Figma
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • Mentorship
  • Miro
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postico
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • SQL
  • Trello

Currently learning

  • Bootstrap
  • Django
  • JavaScript
  • Python




Project scope time 89 hours
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Tools Used

  • Django
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Python
  • Rails
  • Ruby

BoardGameBuddy was built by a 6 person full stack team comprised by 4 Backend Engineers and 2 Frontend Engineers over the course of 10 days. The backend was built using Ruby and Ruby on Rails, Python and Django, and PostgreSql.

The goal of this project was to create a functional application while working on a full stack team! Each team worked with a new technology.

In this project we:

  • Caching on the Backend
  • Built in Python/Django for the first time
  • Created a custom API by consuming an API and CSV simultaneously
  • Created 2 microservices, one using Rails and the other in Django
  • Deployed on AWS
Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project BoardGameBuddy
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project BoardGameBuddy Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project BoardGameBuddy Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project BoardGameBuddy Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project BoardGameBuddy



Project scope time 300 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Eliza Keating Profile picture for Dylan Timmons

Tools Used

  • Bootstrap
  • CSS3
  • Heroku
  • Rails
  • Render
  • RSpec
  • Ruby

QuestQuill was built by a 4 person team of Backend Engineers using Ruby on Rails, CSS, Bootstrap, and OpenAI API. This application uses AI to generate NPCs, Towns, and Quests to help a Dungeon Master create a campaign.

The main learning goals of this project were to explore new technologies and gain experience working on a more stylized front end of our app. The team had largely been working in Ruby and Rails building mostly backend apps with very basic front-end user interfaces.

In this project, we were able to implement:

  • Caching
  • Stylized pages using CSS
  • Mobile-friendly pages using Bootstrap
  • OpenAI API prompts within the app
Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project QuestQuill
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project QuestQuill Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project QuestQuill Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project QuestQuill Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project QuestQuill