About me
I am an agent for positive change in society and in the lives of those around me. I encourage all to be their best and most authentic selves. Software development allows me to impact and improve peoples’ experience on a wide scale. I’m seeking to combine my passion for art & music with my eye for detail to create productivity tools accessible to all.
Preferred locations
- Denver, CO
Previous industries
Currently learning
Tools Used
Fitlit is a health-tracker dashboard that consumes and displays real health data. My role in this project was mostly HTML/CSS and usefully displaying the data. I am particularly proud of the graphs, as it was my first time using a dependency in Graphs.js.
Rancid Tomatillos
Rancid Tomatillos
Tools Used
A simple app to display recently released movie info. The user is created with a grid of posters. Clicking a poster gives you more info about that movie, such as cast, synopsis, and budget. Users can also search by movie name and sort by release date or critic score.