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Mary Ballantyne

Back-End Engineer
Pronouns she/her
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Hi there, I'm Mary! I'm a Back-End Engineer with a background in Emergency Medicine as a Registered Nurse. I've always approached an intellectual challenge with curiosity and excitement, not to mention the enjoyment of collaborating with others to achieve a common goal.

In time, I found myself steering away from the healthcare field, but still longing for a career that would allow for some manner of creative freedom, keep me on my toes, and offer problem-solving challenges beyond the likes of anything I've seen before. This was what drove me to pursue a career in software development, and apply my acquired skills into something new and exciting. I couldn't be more ready to get started, and to learn and grow alongside fellow developers to create technologies that benefit people from every kind of walk of life.

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to remote work

Previous industries

  • Hospital & Health Care
  • Medical Practice


  • Bootstrap
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • GraphQL
  • Heroku
  • HTML5
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • RubyMine

Currently learning

  • Golang
  • JavaScript


HAYD?(How Are You Doing?)

HAYD?(How Are You Doing?)

Project scope time 60 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Alaina Kneiling Profile picture for Aleisha Mork Profile picture for Carter Ball Profile picture for Andrew Mullins

Tools Used

  • Bootstrap
  • Heroku
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby

HAYD? aims to create a social media styled application with a primary focus on mental health. This application provides a platform to allow a user to create a post on their thoughts and feelings for the day(a tone analyzer will assess the overall emotion of the post), make their thoughts public or private, and check up on friends posts as long as they have accepted their friend request.

Given the private information provided by a user, it was our upmost priority to implement security and privacy through use of GoogleOauth for login purposes, as well as implementing a relational model of data so only accepted 'friends' may view public posts made by their friends. This application implements external API consumption of a tone analyzer API as well as an emotion API, and consists of a robust test suite, utilizing VCR, WebMock and RSpec.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project HAYD?(How Are You Doing?)
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project HAYD?(How Are You Doing?) Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project HAYD?(How Are You Doing?)

Field Trippers

Field Trippers

Project scope time 50 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Andrew Mullins Profile picture for A.J. Krumholz Profile picture for Dinne Kopelevich Profile picture for Matthew Press Profile picture for Andrew Knapick Profile picture for Carissa Gross

Tools Used

  • GraphQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Rails

Field Trippers is an SOA styled application consisting of a Frontend and Backend, that allows a user to create a profile and browse different museums within a chosen area to organize a field trip!

A user is able to create a trip and assign themselves as a host thus assigning a date, time, and location to the scheduled trip as well as include a set number of attendees. If hosting a trip isn't something you're interested in but you still want to participate, you can also browse existing trips and sign up to attend as long as it hasn't reached its capacity.

This application also utilizes GraphQL as a means of providing a more streamlined approach when performing a query or mutation to the database.

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Field Trippers
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Field Trippers Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Field Trippers Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Field Trippers