About me
A Zach of all trades, but a master of none is often times better than a master of one. I've done everything under the Sun, and brought to them all a sense of enthusiasm and dedication to the craft and my teams. Through such a wide berth of experiences, skills, and knowledge, I've found that I've become capable of anything and everything. Now is the time to focus this varied skillset.
As such, I have enrolled as a full-time student in the Back End program at the Turing School of Software & Design. I wish to learn software development as an opportunity to connect with an inclusive and varied cast of peoples around the world. Software development requires problem-solving and communication, which are two skills I possess and greatly value.
I yearn for the chance to apply my knowledge, skills, and experience, as well as those that I acquire in the future, to a career path that promotes inclusivity and collective critical-thinking and development.
Preferred locations
- Denver, CO
Previous industries
Currently learning
History Maps
History Maps
Tools Used
A search engine that connects to the Library of Congress API to locate historic buildings based on a local search -Builds API endpoints by connecting Mapquest location API consumption to Index results from the Library of Congress -Uses Service-Oriented Architecture and Test-Driven Development to provide indexed search result endpoints -Technologies Used: Rails 5.2.8, Ruby 2.7.4, RSpec, Heroku, Faraday Api calls, JSONSerializer
Bulk Discounts
Bulk Discounts
Tools Used
A mock-up marketplace designed to connect merchants and their items to customers seeking transactions -Accesses and manipulates data from CSV files to build a platform akin to an internet marketplace, deployed to Heroku -Initially began as a group project with collaborators who worked on every part of the project to share experience -Technologies Used: Rails 5.2.8, Ruby 2.7.4, ActiveRecord, PostgreSQL, RSpec, Heroku