Profile picture

Billy Wallace

Back End Engineer
Pronouns he/him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Fundamentally, I am a problem solver. In my personal life, I love woodworking and both building and solving crossword puzzles. In my professional career, I've found my most fulfillment working within complex systems trying to design solutions that provide the best outcomes for all. Through this work, I also found that I have a passion for investigating how all of the disparate systems in an organization can come together to optimize outcomes for both employees and stakeholders. After starting my career in the world of education, I've decided to pivot into software engineering so I can continue to solve problems that matter and work to create better systems to manage those solutions. Technology has the power to fundamentally change the way we as a human species exist on this planet. I hope to work for a company that is using the power of technology to improve outcomes for all people and find satisfaction in writing code that moves the company towards that larger mission.

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to remote work

Previous industries

  • Primary/Secondary Education


  • ActiveRecord
  • AWS S3
  • Bootstrap
  • Canva
  • Continuous Integration
  • DevOps
  • Figma
  • Gimp
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • Heroku
  • HTML5
  • Management
  • Mentorship
  • Miro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postico
  • Postman
  • Product Management
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • Software Architecture
  • SQL
  • Tailwind
  • User Authentication
  • Visual Studio

Currently learning

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • TypeScript


The Sunken Isles First Mate

The Sunken Isles First Mate

Project scope time 200 hours

Tools Used

  • AWS S3
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS3
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • Google
  • Heroku
  • HTML5
  • Miro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • User Authentication

● Mobile-friendly web application that serves as a companion to the Dungeons and Dragons Sunken Isles campaign, allowing users to create a campaign and add characters, allocate in-game resources and items, and manage the campaign interactively. ● Led the design process and oversaw project management for this 9-day, SOA greenfield project, including over 8 hours of initial planning and brainstorming, daily stand-ups, and story grooming to ensure on-time deployment. ● Implemented user authentication via Google OAuth and Amazon AWS S3 buckets to enhance user experience and security. ● Developed 13 endpoints and called on those REST-fully from the FE with nearly 250 RSpec tests and over 98% test coverage.

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project The Sunken Isles First Mate
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project The Sunken Isles First Mate Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project The Sunken Isles First Mate Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project The Sunken Isles First Mate Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project The Sunken Isles First Mate

Little Esty Shop

Little Esty Shop

Project scope time 60 hours

Tools Used

  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • Heroku
  • Miro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postico
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • Tailwind

● Responsive web application that models an e-commerce platform, allowing merchants and admins to manage inventory, fulfill customer invoices, and includes functionality for creating, updating, and applying coupons to orders for revenue calculations. ● Deployed application via Heroku that implemented over 40 User Stories with over 150 RSpec tests and 100% test coverage. ● Developed and led our project management process by leading daily stand-up meetings and establishing Git workflow norms, which resulted in an on-schedule deployment with additional extension activities implemented. ● Independently researched and implemented TailwindCSS to all view pages to enhance the appearance of the front-end.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Little Esty Shop
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Little Esty Shop Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Little Esty Shop Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Little Esty Shop