Profile picture

Martin Chavez

Back End Engineer
Pronouns He/Him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Hello, I’m Martin. I enjoy working with people and solving new problems every day. I started my career in retail, where I found fulfillment in problem-solving and assisting customers. However, after four years, I realized it was no longer a sustainable place for me because retail was getting repetitive and I wasn't obtaining unique challenges throughout my days that would challenge my overall person, and decided it was time for a change. During my career exploration, I came across the field of software development, which intrigued me with its potential to tackle unique challenges and create meaningful impact. I aspire to join a team where I can contribute to the development of products that positively impact people's lives, while continuously learning and collaborating with talented individuals."

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to other locations and/or remote work

Previous industries

  • Retail
  • Warehousing


  • ActiveRecord
  • CSS3
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • Heroku
  • HTML5
  • PostgreSQL
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • SQL

Currently learning

  • GraphQL
  • Python


Touch Grass

Touch Grass

Project scope time 300 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Sam Puttman Profile picture for Odell McFarland IV

Tools Used

The Touch Grass backend application consumes the Trefle API in order to retrieve essential information about plants to expose to the frontend. The backend application also stores the user information once a user registers/logs in via Github OAuth. The development team will use this to source information about a user to create a customized user experience.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Touch Grass
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Touch Grass Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Touch Grass Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Touch Grass Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Touch Grass

Market Money

Market Money

Project scope time 19 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Igor Magalhaes

Tools Used

  • ActiveRecord
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman

Market Money API is a Rails API project developed to provide functionality for finding sustainable and local alternatives for lifestyle choices, particularly focusing on farmers markets and vendors. This API allows users to access information about markets, vendors, and market-vendor relationships.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Market Money
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Market Money Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Market Money