Profile picture

Selena Hawamdeh

Back End Engineer
Pronouns she/her
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

A dedicated back-end engineer with a unique journey that began in the classroom. My career started as a teacher, where I discovered my passion for problem-solving and helping others understand complex concepts. This experience honed my communication skills, patience, and ability to break down intricate problems into manageable pieces.

Transitioning into the tech field was a natural progression for me. I was drawn to the dynamic nature of technology and the opportunity to continually learn and innovate. My background in education has provided me with a solid foundation in logical thinking and a methodical approach to problem-solving, which are essential skills in back-end development. I thrive on creating efficient, scalable, and robust systems that form the backbone of user-centric applications.

Looking ahead, I aspire to deepen my technical expertise and take on more complex projects. I aim to leverage my unique background and skills to lead teams, mentor aspiring engineers, and drive impactful technological advancements. My journey from teaching to tech is a testament to my adaptability, continuous learning, and passion for making a difference.

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to remote work

Previous industries

  • Higher Education
  • Primary/Secondary Education


  • ActiveRecord
  • CircleCI
  • CSS3
  • Docker
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • HTML5
  • Miro
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postico
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • RSpec
  • Ruby
  • Slack
  • SQL
  • Trello

Currently learning

  • Express
  • Node.js


Hop Hop!

Hop Hop!

Project scope time 85 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Yain Porter Profile picture for Igor Magalhaes

Tools Used

  • CSS3
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Heroku
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • PostgreSQL
  • Postman
  • Rails
  • Ruby
  • Tailwind

Hop Hop API is a Rails API project developed to provide back-end functionality for creating trips itineraries. Whenever visiting a different country, it can be hard to determine what you are going to do, and Hop Hop API will facilitate that. This API allows the front-end to access information about users trips, accommodations, and activities that they choose. All endpoints require a user_id.

We have 4 collaborators in this project: Selena H, Hoa Dam, Yain Porter and Igor Magalhaes.

We have used technologies that was new to us such as JS and consuming google maps API. For our stretch we used Tailwind to style our website.

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Hop Hop!
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Hop Hop! Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Hop Hop! Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Hop Hop!



Project scope time 22 hours

Tools Used

  • Git
  • GitHub
  • RSpec
  • Ruby

This is one of my first projects ever! I used Ruby, RSpec, TDD, Git and Github.

This app helps managing the services that the "DMV" offer and process some data.

It was a good practice of Ruby and I enjoyed a lot doing it!

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project The DMV
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project The DMV Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project The DMV