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Ethan Duvall

Front End Engineer
Pronouns he/him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

I am Ethan and i've had a passion for coding ever since i was 12 when I would edit the html text to make it look like I was rich, Then I joined a coding club at regis University from there I took multiple comp sci class throughout high school and ended up here! Due to this i have a very good problem solving method and I have the need to know how things work!

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to other locations and/or remote work

Previous industries

None specified


  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • TypeScript

Currently learning

  • C#


Spotify Playlist Creator

Spotify Playlist Creator

Project scope time 35 hours

Tools Used

  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • JavaScript
  • React

This app uses the spotify web api to create a playlist of 25 songs based on your recommended genres, currently for this app im waiting on a approval from spotify to let this app be available to every user on their platform

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Screenshot detail for project Spotify Playlist Creator
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Spotify Playlist Creator Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Spotify Playlist Creator Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Spotify Playlist Creator