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Megan Crotteau

Front End Engineer
Pronouns she/her
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

The foundation of my professional career lies in biology, but I'm actively working to improve my skills as a software engineer. My main focuses are currently in JavaScript, React, HTML, and CSS. Over the years, I've developed my analytical and problem-solving skills through work in research and diagnostic labs, but now I'm looking to apply them to the world of software development as well.

Since starting my journey in learning code, I've found many parallels between biology research and software development. I've notice this especially with problem solving and optimization through continuous learning. These are features I've had in previous roles and what draws me to pursuing a career in software development.

My goal is to merge my scientific expertise with innovation, and with that I believe my background can offer fresh perspective to any team. The foundation of my professional career lies in biology, but I'm actively working to improve my skills as a software developer. My main focuses are currently in JavaScript, React, HTML, and CSS. Over the years, I've developed my analytical and problem-solving skills through work in research and diagnostic labs, but now I'm looking to apply them to the world of software development as well.

Since starting my journey in learning code, I've found many parallels between biology research and software development. I've notice this especially with problem solving and optimization through continuous learning. These are features I've had in previous roles and what draws me to pursuing a career in software development.

My goal is to merge my scientific expertise with innovation, and with that I believe my background can offer fresh perspective to any team. Let's connect and explore how I can contribute to your team!

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to other locations and/or remote work

Previous industries

  • Biotechnology
  • Hospital & Health Care
  • Research


  • Chai
  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • Git
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Mocha
  • React

Currently learning

  • PostgreSQL
  • TypeScript




Project scope time 40 hours

Tools Used

  • Cypress
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • React


Living on earth, it’s difficult to know what’s flying around us in space. Using a NASA API, Asteroid Patrol makes information on nearby asteroids readily available. Users will be informed on diameter of the asteroid, miss distance (distance from earth), velocity of the asteroid, and more!

The goal of this project was to showcase my knowledge of React, Router, Asynchrounous JavaScript, and E2E testing with Cypress. I'm currently 5 months in to a front end program at Turing's School of Software and design and spent ~40hrs over the past week creating this project.

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Asteroids
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Asteroids Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Asteroids

Mix Master

Mix Master

Project scope time 15 hours

Tools Used

  • AWS
  • Cypress
  • Express
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL
  • React


Mix Master eases the stress of entertaining by providing a myriad of cocktail and mocktail recipes! Users can filter recipes based on alcohol content and 'favorite' recipes for viewing later.

The goal of this group project was to explore a new technology while building off of our existing knowledge in React. As front-end students at Turing, we haven't had as much exposure to back-end technologies, so the main objective for this project was to explore and implement our very own back-end. Over the course of a week, we learned how to build a server in Express, use Knex to connect the server to a PostgreSQL database, and deploy the database on AWS and the server on Render.

Launch the App Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Mix Master
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Mix Master Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Mix Master