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Eric Batiste

Front End Engineer
Pronouns he/him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

How's it going? I'm Eric, a dedicated software developer, experienced in building web applications utilizing React, Vanilla JavaScript, CSS, and Test Driven Development, with accessibility in mind. I get energized by opportunities to learn new technologies and I enjoy working closely with others to bring ideas to life.

Before my transition to tech, I spent a decade in Austin, TX. immersing myself in the city's vibrant music scene. As a musician, who's explored various genres from bluegrass to jazz, I bring a dynamic approach to software development, blending creativity with technical precision.

My background also includes a few years in the bike industry where I was able to share my passion for outdoor sports and recreation with prospective customers by helping them find the right products to meet their needs. I spent some time as a bike mechanic as well.

I am currently looking for an awesome team to contribute to and continue to grow with, let's connect!

Preferred locations

  • Boulder, CO
  • Denver, CO
Open to remote work

Previous industries

  • Hospitality
  • Music
  • Retail


  • Accessibility
  • Chai
  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • Express
  • Figma
  • Firebase
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Projects
  • JavaScript
  • Mocha
  • Node.js
  • Npm
  • Postman
  • React
  • Sass
  • User Authentication
  • Visual Studio
  • Vite
  • Webpack

Currently learning

  • Next.js
  • TypeScript


Cocktail Finder

Cocktail Finder

Project scope time 30 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Cameron Johnson

Tools Used

Cocktail Finder is a web application where a user can find new and familiar cocktail recipes and save their favorites. We successfully integrated user authentication into our application using Google Firebase, implemented Cypress to effectively test all possible user flows, and ensured that the UI was responsive across small, medium and large breakpoints.

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Screenshot detail for project Cocktail Finder
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Cocktail Finder Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Cocktail Finder Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Cocktail Finder Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Cocktail Finder

Fido's Trick Log

Fido's Trick Log

Project scope time 20 hours

Tools Used

  • CSS3
  • Express
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • React

Fido's Trick Log is a web application that caters to dog owners who are looking to take their pups skills to the next level. The app features a 'Trick Log' where the user can compile their favorite training videos in one place. For this application, I build my own API using Node.js and Express.

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Screenshot detail for project Fido's Trick Log
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Fido's Trick Log Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Fido's Trick Log Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Fido's Trick Log Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Fido's Trick Log

Rancid Tomatillos

Rancid Tomatillos

Project scope time 30 hours
Collaborators Profile picture for Dana Zack

Tools Used

  • Accessibility
  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • Npm
  • React
  • Visual Studio

Rancid Tomatillos is an interactive App that displays movie information including overviews, ratings, images, trailers, etc. to the user. Additionally, we added a "movie picker" feature that provides a randomly generated movie for users who struggle to decide what to watch. We had to access multiple API endpoints to retrieve all the necessary movie data and display it effectively on to the DOM. The big takeaway was transitioning from writing vanilla JavaScript to utilizing React, as well as implementing Router and Cypress testing for the first time.

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Screenshot detail for project Rancid Tomatillos
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Rancid Tomatillos Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Rancid Tomatillos Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Rancid Tomatillos Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Rancid Tomatillos