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Jordan Smith

Front End Engineer
Pronouns He/Him
Open Resume Email Directly

About me

Hi, I'm a software engineer with a passion for creating efficient and user-friendly applications. With a strong background in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and various libraries and frameworks, I have honed my skills in test-driven development and use tools such as Cypress and React to bring my projects to life.

As a father of four wonderful children, I understand the importance of balance and dedication in both my personal and professional life. I bring this same level of commitment to my work, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities to grow as a software engineer.

Whether I'm working on a large project or a small one, I always strive to deliver high-quality results and exceed my clients' expectations. I am confident in my ability to understand a project's requirements and find creative solutions to any obstacles that arise.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a potential project, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Preferred locations

  • Denver, CO
Open to remote work

Previous industries

  • Law Enforcement


  • CSS3
  • Cypress
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript

Currently learning

  • Kubernetes




Project scope time 25 hours

Tools Used

  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Npm

We created a fitness tracking application that allows a user to see the information on their sleep, hydration and activity. We used a local server and incorporated fetch request to GET and POST data. Error handling was added to both fetch GET and POST requests to catch errors that may occur from either request. Features added allows users to see all data displayed in a visually pleasing manner using charts from chart.js. We utilized dayjs to format and standardize dates. The user can add new data for current day. After the user submits data the charts will update and populate with latest data. We utilized recursion to construct a weeks worth of data if there are gaps in the datas' date. We added a helper function file to house functions that are use mulitiple times throughout the project to keep our code DRY. The application also allows the user to take advantage of a calendar to manipulte dates to see a wide variety of information from different dates. Users can view their personal information inside of an information section.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project FitLit
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project FitLit Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project FitLit Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project FitLit

Travel Tracker App

Travel Tracker App

Project scope time 20 hours

Tools Used

  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • Npm

I created a travel tracking application that allows a user to see the information on their past, current and pending trips.I utilize a login page with username and passwords that are unique to the user. I used a local server and incorporated fetch request to GET and POST data. Error handling was added to both fetch GET and POST requests to catch errors that may occur from either request. Features added allows users to see all data displayed in a visually pleasing manner. I utilized dayjs to format and standardize dates that are used throughout to conform dates. The user can search for trips using inputs and text fields to search for a sepcific a vacation. After the user submits all provided fields and they click submit, a photo of the specified placed appears with the amount of lodging cost and flight cost. It will also show the estimated cost for that specific trip. The user then has the option to book that trip or go back and search for a new trip. I added a helper function file to house functions that are use mulitiple times throughout the project to keep my code DRY.

Code Repository
Screenshot detail for project Travel Tracker App
Screenshot thumbnail #1 for project Travel Tracker App Screenshot thumbnail #2 for project Travel Tracker App Screenshot thumbnail #3 for project Travel Tracker App Screenshot thumbnail #4 for project Travel Tracker App